CSIR NET Chemical science Preparation Guide!!
CSIR NET Chemical Science Preparation:- Chemical science can be defined as the branch of science that deals with the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of a substance. If you are preparing for the CSIR NET Chemical science Exam you can follow these topics that are important for the CSIR NET Chemical Science Exam. 1. Inorganic Chemistry Main group elements Transition metals & Coordination compounds Organometallic Compounds 2. Physical Chemistry Quantum Chemistry Chemical Kinetics Thermodynamics & Thermochemistry Molecular Spectroscopy 3. Organic Chemistry Reagents Intermediate & Reaction mechanism Pericyclic / photochemistry CSIR NET 2020 Chemical science Exam Pattern: - The Exam is divided into three parts: Part A, B, and C. 1. The exam was in MCQ format. 2. Part A contains 20 questions out of which 15 need to be attempted. Each question is of 2 marks and there will be a negative marking of ½...